Google recently updated its Google Wallet app with a variety of new features, including the ability to support gift cards. In addition to supporting both loyalty cards and offers, the app now enables users to manage gift cards and redeem those cards in store.
To add gift cards to Google Wallet, users can snap a photo of the gift card, type in the card’s information, or “Save to Google” if the card is a digital gift card. To use the gift card, users simply show their phone to the cashier upon checkout.
Some gift cards from merchants that include AMC, Best Buy, Nike, Sephora, and Whole Foods, will also allow users to check their gift card balances in real time and to receive reminders to use the card when you are near their stores.
Portland, ME-based digital gift card company CashStar recently integrated its platform with Google Wallet, allowing retailers and merchants to interact with the app, run reports of consumer behavior, access location data, promote the retailer’s own app, and accelerate consumer redemption.