Bah Humbug! Mail Carriers and Neighbors Most Forgotten Holiday Gift Recipients [Infographic]

With only a few holiday shopping weeks left, Americans need to check their lists twice (or more) to avoid overlooking those closest to home when it comes to gift giving, according to a survey by CashStar, the world’s leading digital gifting and incentives company. Nearly 56 million* adult online Americans are likely to forget to buy a gift for their mail carriers and nearly 44 million* are likely to forget to buy a gift for their neighbors, according to the survey, which was conducted online nationwide by Harris Interactive on behalf of CashStar from November 6-8, 2012 among 2,104 U.S. online adults aged 18 and older, and examined when online American adults remember to buy gifts and who they end up forgetting. Other people most often forgotten include the people entrusted with childcare, such as teachers and babysitters.last-minute-shopping-america